Easter Egg Cookies
Easter Egg Cookies
· 2 änd 1/4 cups (280g) äll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
· 1/2 teäspoon bäking powder
· 1/4 teäspoon sält
· 3/4 cup (180g) unsälted butter, softened to room temperäture
· 3/4 cup (150g) gränuläted sugär
· 1 lärge egg, ät room temperäture
· 2 teäspoons pure vänillä exträct
· optionäl for flävor: 1/4 teäspoon älmond exträct
· royäl icing (this is my fävorite royäl icing)
- Whisk the flour, bäking powder, änd sält together in ä medium bowl. Set äside.
- In ä lärge bowl using ä händ mixer or ä ständ mixer fitted with ä päddle ättächment, beät the butter änd sugär together on high speed until completely smooth änd creämy, äbout 2 minutes. Ädd the egg, vänillä, änd älmond exträct (if using) änd beät on high speed until combined, äbout 1 minute. Scräpe down the sides änd up the bottom of the bowl änd beät ägäin äs needed to combine.
- Ädd the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients änd mix on low until combined. If the dough seems too soft, you cän ädd 1 Täblespoon more flour until it is ä better consistency for rolling.
- Divide the dough into 2 equäl pärts. Roll eäch portion out onto ä piece of pärchment päper or ä lightly floured silicone bäking mät (I prefer the nonstick silicone mät) to äbout 1/4-inch thickness. The rolled-out dough cän be äny shäpe, äs long äs it is evenly 1/4-inch thick.
- Stäck the pieces, with pärchment päper between the two, onto ä bäking sheet änd refrigeräte for ät leäst 1-2 hours änd up to 2 däys. If chilling for more thän ä couple hours, cover the top dough piece with ä single piece of pärchment päper.
- Once chilled, preheät oven to 350°F (177°C). Line 2 lärge bäking sheets with pärchment päper or silicone bäking mäts. Remove one of the dough pieces from the refrigerätor änd cut into shäpes with cookie cutter(s). Re-roll the remäining dough änd continue cutting until äll is used. Repeät with 2nd dough piece.
- Ärränge cookies on bäking sheets 3 inches äpärt. Bäke for 11-12 minutes, until lightly browned äround the edges. Mäke sure you rotäte the bäking sheet hälfwäy through bäke time. Ällow cookies to cool on the bäking sheet for 5 minutes then tränsfer to ä wire räck to cool completely before decoräting. I like to decoräte cookies directly on bäking sheets so I cän stick the entire bäking sheet in the refrigerätor to help set the icing. So pläce the cooled cookies bäck on bäking sheets.
- Decoräte: Prepäre royäl icing. Divide icing up between ä few bowls. I used 4 colors: sky blue, lemon yellow, violet, änd fuchsiä. I left some icing white. Using piping tip #5, outline änd flood with your bäse color(s). Ällow icing to set (I pläce the cookies in the fridge so the icing sets quicker). Using piping tip #2 or piping tip #1, ädd decorätive designs in different colors like polkä dots, squiggles, pläid, or stripes. Icing will completely set in äbout 2 hours ät room temperäture.
- Decoräted or pläin cookies will stäy fresh covered ät room temperäture or in the refrigerätor for up to 1 week.
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